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 Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]

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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 2:42 am

Rina placed her bag on the porch. This was all so new to her. She had never been out here. It was... Nice. She was excited to be in a new kind of living environment, under a roof. Er... A nice one.

It was so kind of Alisa and Ashton to welcome Rina into their home. They barely knew eachother, too. Rina had no money though. She couldn't find a place other then that to lodge for free. Either way, she had just gotten a job to be a vocal teacher for Alisa as well. It was nifty.

Either way, again, she was so excited to get a fresh start on life. A young sixteen year old needed to be free. Even though her past would haunt her, a quiet place like this could help her with her memory... Maybe.

"Now... I'd like to meet some people too." Rina said, smiling. "Let's just hope people don't reside near water." she said, a bit nervous now. The only thing she remembered... What could be worse?
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptySun Mar 20, 2011 2:52 am

After closing up shop for the day, Robert headed over to Alisa's place with Silva. He was invited over to welcome a new arrival into the town, one that was, to his understanding, staying with Alisa. Robert walked over to see a new face on Alisa's porch. That must be Alisa's new friend, Robert thought to himself.

Silva followed alongside Robert as he approached the lady. "Good day. Are you Alisa's new tennant?" Robert asked in a polite tone of voice before holding out his hand to the lady. "My name is Robert. I'm a friend and employee of Alisa's. This little pup here is Silva." Robert spoke with a pleasant tone as he introduced himself and his wolf pup.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 11, 2011 3:35 am

Rina looked over her shoulder to see someone there with a small... Was it a dog or wolf? RIna wasn't too bright on specifying things.

"Yeah, hi mr. Robert. Alosa told me about you," Rina said, gently shaking Robert's hand. She didn't really know why she stuck the mister infront of his name though... When Rina was talking to Alisa outside of the inn, where they met, Alisa had told her about a couple of her friends. They all seemed very nice but meeting one in person so suddenly... She would probably make a new friend quicker then she thought.

"My name's Rina, it's pleasure." she introduced herself.
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 11, 2011 1:13 pm

Robert smiled to the lady as he shook her hand. "A pleasure to meet you as well, lady Rina." he replied in a friendly and cordial manner. After working for a while in Alisa's shop, he had enough saved up from giving harp lessons to get a loan to buy not only a house, but to start his own business as well. However, he was still going through the hurry up and wait process that went with such big investments. With him moving to Forget-Me-Not, he wanted to meet many other people.

"So, what brings you to Forget-Me-Not Valley? Starting a new life for yourself?" he asked politely as Silva began to chase after and pounce at a wandering butterfly. Robert looked over at Silva and chuckled. "Still a pup at heart." he jested a bit.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 11, 2011 6:34 pm

Rina giggled as he shook her hand. She had never been called ‘lady’ before. It had a funny feel to it.

When Robert asked why she moved to the valley though, she gulped.

I was hoping he wouldn’t ask that...

She had to think of something quickly. She hadn’t thought about a good way to say why she had moved here yet. Yeah, she just wandered into the town, not really knowing anything but she wasn’t comfortable with telling people she had amnesia, nor about her fatal past.

Come on, think Rina... Think...

“Somewhat... I actually came here for some refreshing. I lived in a foggy town so there wasn’t a lot that went around so I wanted some excitement.” Rina said sheepishly, winging it. She was sort of telling the truth about a foggy town. Her memory was foggy, after all... She laughed a bit awkwardly.

“She’s adorable.” Rina stated about the young pup. “What breed is she?” she asked, still unsure.
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 11, 2011 7:49 pm

Robert gave a nod to Rina's story. She did seem nervous for a moment before she spoke, but Robert paid it no mind. "Well, I myself will be moving to this valley soon. I currently live on Sunshine Island. That's where Silva there found me lying unconscious on the beach." he spoke before looking over towards his playing wolf pup.

"Silva is a gray wolf pup. I looked around the island to find her pack, but poachers got to the pack before I could. So I've been raising her myself. She's a very lovable and lively little girl." Robert explained. "She pretty much sees me as her alpha, and she's been friendly with everyone I've shown her to. She's even very friendly with Alisa's own dog." he added.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 3:27 am

"Really? So I guess I'll see you a lot, huh?" Rina asked, excited. She felt as if her and Robert could become good friends. She really wanted friends too so... But either way, she remembered that Alisa said that Robert also walked at the shop so that was also something to take into account.

A gray wolf, huh? She was half right because she assumed both a wolf and dog so... But she sure seemed healthy. Robert must have been taking great care of her.

"Silva must be very loyal, huh?" Rina asked another question, following Robert's comments. Washed up on the beach? "Apperantly Tibbs gets along well with almost everyone but with another dog, he could get vicious. I'm assuming they've seen eachother, him and Silva so if they get along, they must both have that same kind of nature, kind and laid back." Rina said with a smile.

"But you were washed up on the shore?"
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 3:37 am

Robert gave a nod, chuckling a bit. "Yeah. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if one day Silva ends up having pups of her own with Tibbs as the father. But that won't be for a while yet. She's still young." he replied. He took out a piece of scrap leather and knelt down, tossing one end to Silva while holding tight to the other end. Silva pounced on the leather strip and began rolling back and forth, trying to wrestle it from Robert's hand. After a few moments, Robert let go and let her chew on the leather. He then stood back up.

"Yes. I don't remember anything before then though, except that I was a knight of some sort. That much I can remember. That and I know how to play the harp. However, I figure regardless of who I might have been, I'll just be content to be who I am now. If I end up remembering who I was, then that will happen and I'll concern myself about it then. Until that day comes, and perhaps even when and after that day comes, I'll just remain who I am." he explained to Rina.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 4:02 am

Rina giggled.

"But if Tibby is a russell terrier and then a wolf... Can that even exist, a meshed species like that?" she joked. There was some information of meshing animals like that and half dog, half wolves were in existance, as well as weren't the most weird species*...

Rina listened carefully, her motuh opened a bit as if it was hard to comprehend his descriptions. A knight? THat's really cool but Rina kept one detail in her grasp.

"So you have amnesia?" she hesitantly asked. "Just like..." her words were, as if, gulped down. Her expression got a bit stressed again. "Well I hope you recover your memory soon." she covered for herself. That was what she wanted, actually, to regain what she had lost.

[*Actually, I think the weirdest species, but it's really cute, is the panda cow... XDDD]
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 4:09 am

Robert chuckled a bit. "I think you're forgetting that dogs are nothing more than domesticated and crossbred wolves. Just about every dog that exists can trace their ancestory back to wolves and foxes." he replied to her with a smile. He gave a nod then to her question.

"Yes. I have very little recollection of anything that happened before Silva found me." he replied. However, he did notice she cut herself off in one of her sentences. That's just like? Just like what, he wondered. Perhaps it was not a comfortable topic. Perhaps she knew someone that was amnesic, or maybe she herself was as well. However, such a thing was not something to delve too deeply into upon first meeting someone. "Do you need help with any of your stuff?" he asked.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 18, 2011 2:08 am

"That's true, I'm a bit of an air head so that didn't really come to me." Rina said. She was odd and didn't remember much. She wasn't dumb or anything, she just had other things to focus on so she remembered those instead.

That was sad that he didn't remember much. She knew how he felt, or at least did at first, because she was going through amnesia effects as well. She felt connected to Robert in a way though because he said he was washed up. He would have almost died from being out at sea, from being in the water and almost drowning. Rina, herself, almost drowned and lost her memory... Small world, huh?

Help with her stuff? Did he mean with her belongings or was he catching on? Oh crap, please be the first one!

"No, no, I'm okay, thanks." she said, waving her hands and laughing a bit awkwardly. Rina was an awkward talker all in total but not understanding, as well as being in an odd conversation made it a bit worse. "Sorry, I'm not good with people." she said.
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 11:10 pm

Robert gave a nod to Rina's reply. "It's alright. Living with Alisa, I'm sure you'll get better with other people over time. Everyone has their own pace. It took me a little while before I started to get to know others. While I still don't know many people, I'm slowly but surely making new friends." Robert spoke with a smile. While he still felt like she had some sort of secret, given how she cut herself off mid-sentence and changed the subject back to his own amnesia, he felt that it was her personal business. If she wanted to tell him, she would do so in time. This was a first meeting, after all. "So, is Alisa going to have you working at her shop?" Robert asked.
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyMon May 02, 2011 11:08 pm

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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptySun May 08, 2011 8:19 pm

(Bump? XD)

Rina smiled to herself. "I hope so. everything's just so new though, it might take a while."

It was nice to know that there were other new people around too, though. Robert wasn't as new, but she still felt as if she wasn't totally alone. She was happy because of it, she never liked being alone.

"Yeah, its my first job too so I'm very excited! You work there too though, don't you?" Rina asked. It would be nice to work where she knew people.

Alisa had told her about the co-workers there so she would have a small description about everyone when she met them.
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyTue May 10, 2011 10:27 pm

(Just making sure it's not forgotten =P)

Robert gave a nod to her question. "Yes. I work as a harp instructor, as well as tending the floor and register when I'm not teaching. I'll be opening up my own business if the plans get through the town office and get approved. Once it does, I'll be able to move to Forget Me Not. I'll still teach harp lessons for Alisa's students, but my main job once I get my own business will be adoptions and rescues for animals. as well as selling pet supplies." Robert explained. "Do you know what kind of work Alisa has in mind for you?" He asked.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptySun May 15, 2011 3:55 pm

That harp? Rina hadn't ever heard someone play the harp before. It was a beautiful instrument but it never seemed to receive the potential it deserved.

"You'll have to play it for me sometime then." she said.

Getting a business on your own though, that would be tricky, wouldn't it? But it was an admirable job that Robbert was aiming for.

"I wish you luck on it. It sounds interesting and I bet you'll go very far."

Rina thought back for a moment.

"Well I sing all the time and..." she paused. Thoughts of her playing the guitar in a park for money flashed back. She wouldn't dare say that in the exact words that came to mind though. "And I knew how to play the guitar since I was a younger child so, Alisa mentioned something about that."
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptySun May 15, 2011 7:57 pm

Robert smiled to Rina and gave a nod. "Well, when you start work, I'll be happy to play it for you." he spoke with a pleasant tone of voice. "What kind of guitar do you play? Bass, electric? Robert asked. He didn't know much about guitars. They sounded alright, but he loved the soothing melodies of the harp best.

"And the new business will be interesting, I think. There really aren't any real pet and livestock places around here, and most everyone loves animals. I've already submitted the paperwork needed. I just need to get the mayor's approval." he responded to her words of encouragement on his plans to start his own business working with animals.
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Female Number of posts : 1848

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptyThu May 26, 2011 4:01 am

Her eyes lit up in excitement but she bit her lip to keep it in. Rina had a keen ear for music so this was good for her. She was making her first connection.

"Just a normal acoustic. I've never played any other kind of guitar, but I might now." she said. Truth be told, she never had the money to afford, nor even touch an electric or bass guitar. Acoustic was her best shot. It was pretty nice, though. They were the first of many guitars so she as happy to have the original design over the others.

"Well I hope your paperwork is accepted. I know little about animals but if you need any help, I can give whatever a shot." Rina said, determined to help in any way. She loved animals, just as Robert predicted for everyone. Not every animal liked her, like cats, but she still liked to try.

[Sorry I was offline for a while. I'm finally off of that mac though, WHEE, and on new computer, DOUBLE WHEE, so I'll be on more often.]
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Male Number of posts : 265
Roleplay Name : Robert Phoenix

Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open]   Moving In, A Fresh Start [Open] EmptySun Jul 17, 2011 1:14 am

[Likewise, I haven't been on for a while myself >.<]

"Well, I'm sure you'll get a chance to play the other kinds of guitars. She's got quite a wide variety of musical instruments." Robert spoke with a smile. He stood and let his wolf pup hop to the ground. "Well then, I should get home. I'll be seeing you at work then." Robert spoke in a friendly tone before waving his hand in a farewell gesture. He closed the door behind him as he left the girl to unpack and settle into her new home.
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